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How a quality product can make a difference.

As a business owner, naturally I want the business to be successful and that can only be done if I deliver outstanding results every time. I put some thought into the value of my services and I've considered what would make a difference. One of the key products that really makes a difference is used on almost all of my services.

First let me describe what I was using before and then we can get into why I changed. For tire shine, I had this blue greasy silicone based tire shine. Not to be confused with Silicon or Silica. Silicone is a completely different chemical that comes in many forms. And from what I've read it is not recommended on tires. The problem I had with this tire shine was with sling and overall it's just messy to deal with. For interior dressing, I was using the common generic default white interior dressing that most car wash/detailers might use. It was also greasy, leaving seats and arm rests slick. Also, after a week or two the windows in the car would fog up from the 'dressing' releasing gases. As you can probably tell, neither of these products really conveyed quality, so it just wasn't working for me. I wanted to do better for my customers. I replaced both of those products with one superior product. The protection that I use now is a Silica based 'coating' (not the harmful silicone). It provides better uv protection than the previous products, and it doesn't leave a greasy mess. It dries completely, repelling dirt and water on interiors and even on your tires! This means you won't have to worry about those infamous black tire splatters down both sides of the car when you drive thru a puddle. As a result, I have consolidated down to one chemical for many uses and in turn it has improved the value of my services and the experience for the customer. We also offer some longer term options for tires and interiors. We have protection options for interior plastics, vinyl, leather and carpet lasting up to 1 year. We have a tire coating that will last for 6 months or longer and comes in matte, satin or glossy.

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